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Sharp Rise in Electricity Prices Hits Norwegian Municipality

Electricity Costs Surge in Hedsel
Residents of the Norwegian municipality of Hedsel are grappling with a significant rise in electricity prices. This surge comes after the local utility lost significant revenue from electricity sales, likely due to the shutdown of a nearby mining operation.
Consequences of Mining Company Closure

Hedsel’s residents had long complained about a crypto mining pool operating locally, ultimately leading to its closure. However, it’s now evident that the local electricity supplier, Noranett, was substantially benefiting from the mining company’s operations. Robin Jacobsen, Noranett’s manager, remarked, “Losing a major client always has repercussions.”
Financial Impact on Households
Economists predict that this change could cost local households an additional $280 annually. In response, officials have pledged to seek new projects to make up for the sudden drop in electricity consumption.
Previous Complaints in Other Cities

Hedsel isn’t the first Norwegian city to voice concerns about mining activities. In September 2022, residents of Sortland complained about the noise from a crypto mining pool. Kjetil Hove Pettersen, CEO of KryptoVault, suggested that the media might be exaggerating the situation. He argued that the media often focuses on negative public opinions, which might not accurately represent the broader community’s views on digital assets and mining.
Regulatory Actions in the US
Meanwhile, in the US state of Arkansas, legislation was introduced to require local mining farms to limit noise, reflecting ongoing global concerns about the impact of mining operations on communities.